If you draw pictures, if you write sentences, do not become an inhabitant of the town. Keep a distance.

a photo studio owner in Rikuzentakada, Iwate Prefecture



After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the photo studio owner who made every effort as a fire department head for the restoration, said like this firmly to Natsumi Seo, a graduate student of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (then), who had moved to try to copy out the words of the victims desperately, understanding her tense feeling. An expresser should not stick to the land. This was the backing for her later work. From "An Essay On An Intermediary of Loneliness" ("FIELD RECORDING" No.2).


"February 4  2019

from “Oriori no Kotoba” by Kiyokazu Washida, The Asahi Shimbun"