ただ人には 馴れまじものぢゃ 馴れての後に 離るるるるるるるるが 大事ぢゃるものただ人には 馴れまじものぢゃ 馴れての後に 離るるるるるるるるが 大事ぢゃるもの

a popular song



The Japanese means that "now, you should not be much close to a person. Once you became intimate with him/her, it's hard to leave." The strange repetition of "る" sorrowfully overlaps with an agony that even if you know the time to break up will come someday, you can't give up the feeling of loving him/her. You can't stop loving a person though you know you will worry. People's feeling won't go just as they want. From collection of popular songs in the late Middle Ages, “Kanginshu (newly-revised edition)” (annotated by Kenji Asano) .


"May 27  2019

from “Oriori no Kotoba” by Kiyokazu Washida, The Asahi Shimbun"